Barista Training

Together We'll Help You Discover the Secrets to Mastering the Art of Speciality Coffee

Drawing on our 20 years of experience in the coffee industry, we have developed tailored wholesale training programmes that are held at our Roastery in Witney. These programmes are aimed at equipping your team with the skills they need to master the art of coffee.

Book Your Training

Our courses are suitable for everyone, regardless of their level of expertise, whether they are new to coffee or seasoned baristas. We cater to a range of skill levels and ensure that our training meets the unique needs of each individual and their business.

Creating a Coffee Culture

Those who possess a genuine love for coffee are capable of brewing the best cups, according to our experience. Cultivating a coffee culture amongst your team can inspire a desire for continuous learning, resulting in their relentless pursuit of perfection in every cup they make. To kindle this flame and sustain their fervour, our training courses are designed to ignite their passion.

Our Coffee Training School

Located in our Headquarters in Witney, West Oxfordshire, our training academy provides a scenic view of the production area and espresso bar. From this vantage point, you can watch as the beans you brew are expertly roasted. Our state-of-the-art facility is fully equipped with the latest machinery from Victoria Arduino and Mahlkonig. This allows for a hands-on experience, where you can become proficient with the equipment that you'll be using regularly.

Barista Refresher Classes

Given the constantly evolving nature of the third wave coffee industry, it's important to regularly refine your expertise and understanding. Whether you're welcoming new members to your team who require an introduction to the field or supporting seasoned veterans seeking a refresher, our complimentary barista brush-up courses are available to all.

  • Your Team

    We have the capability to assist you in assembling a top-notch team, whilst also recognising the individuals with leadership qualities and exceptional coffee expertise.

  • Training

    Our team will ensure that your staff stays informed on the latest trends and techniques within the third wave coffee industry, and we will work diligently to guarantee that their skills are always refined and polished.

  • Retention

    To maintain your team's alignment with your vision, it is crucial to have a strategy in place to retain employees and ensure high morale. Our expert guidance can assist you in achieving this.

Our Coffee Cuppings

At The Roastery, a visit affords the opportunity to meet our skilled team comprising of baristas, roasters, engineers and wholesale partners support whilst witnessing our operations in full swing. Coffee roasting is a beautiful art and science that we undertake with love and passion, and we take pleasure in sharing this experience with visitors who get to see us in action using our Giesen W30, W15 and soon to arrive W60 Drum Roaster to hand-pack, seal and grind our roasts.

Once you've found your ideal coffee, we can help set up a coffee plan to cater to your training and support needs. For most businesses, coffee is a vital aspect of their day-to-day operations, and it's essential to get the best support to achieve your goals.

If ever you feel the need to change your coffee, or to try something different, we can arrange another cupping session for you to identify your new favourite and adjust your training and support program accordingly.

Book Your Cupping Session

We highly recommend our coffee cupping session for all new wholesale partners as it is a perfect way to know more about your operation and understand the best coffee suitable for your business. During the session, you will sample our masterfully crafted roasts and develop the technique of identifying the different notes in every spoonful you slurp.